Home Learning

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Acorn Day Care is delighted to launch its new Home learning Hub.

Here at Acorn we feel support for the home learning environment in the early years is critical and needs to become embedded as part of all early childhood education and care, early health and family-support service.

The COVID19 Pandemic has prompted all those in the Education sector to reflect & do more to engage Parents/Community to help develop the home learning environment.

Here at Acorn we teach our Children knowledge, skills & understanding through a child centred EYFS curriculum & our innovative NeuroStar Programme building upon ‘wow’ experiences & topics to ensure they access a variety of learning experiences to secure a good foundation of their life- long learning. We encourage active learning to ensure children are motivated & interested.

We are delighted to launch our home Learning Partnership which delivers weekly timetables covering the 7 areas of Learning of the EYFS. Specifically tailored for the home learning environment taking into consideration:

  • Fun & interactive Learning
  • Age appropriate learning
  • Availability & Access to resources
  • Availability of Access to inside/outdoor activities
  • Supporting Parents understanding
  • Individual Learning styles & needs
  • Access to guidance / Support
  • Links to recommended early years resource/activity sites.
  • Tracking & Feedback
  • We look forward to developing our Home learning Partnership…. We wish you & your children lots & lots of fun as you explore & apply the weekly home learning timetables.

    The Management Team.

    Weekly timetable Three- and Four-Year olds (Foxes and Owls)


    Create your own wellbeing jar. Having things to look forward to can make you feel happier and improve your wellbeing. 

    Each time you think of something you would like to do in the future, write it on a piece of paper or get an adult to help you and place it inside your decorated jar.


    Silly sound soup.

    Each soup needs 3 ingredients that start with the same letter sound such as – 


    T – tomatoes, toffee and toast.


    Can you try different letters of the alphabet?


    Collect some empty cereal boxes, biscuit boxes, pringle tubes.

    Use a ball to throw at the boxes.

    How many can you knock over?



    Share this story about starting school


    Put some flour on a baking tray. 

    Can you trace using your finger or a paint brush the numbers 1 to 10


    While out on your daily exercise have a look at the world around you. 


    Do you know which season it is now? 

    How do you know? What can you see, hear, touch and smell?



    Paint a picture of an animal using your hands, fingers and feet.




    How do you feel right now?


    Can you draw a picture of your emotion?


    What has made you feel this way today?


    What words describe how you are feeling?


    Use your voice to create sound effects such as a ticking clock and a doorbell. 


    What other sounds can you hear around your home that you can copy?


    Adult to hold open an empty pillowcase.

    Can you aim and throw your ball into the pillowcase?

    Adult can hold the pillowcase at different heights.


    Read a book with a grown-up and decide which character was your favourite. 


    Draw a picture of them and talk about what they were like and why they were your favourite


    Collect some different-sized spoons. 

    How many different sizes have you found? 

    How many small spoonfuls does it take to fill a cup?

    What happens if you use the largest spoon?


    Rocket on a string – Make a simple cardboard tube rocket with a deflated balloon taped to it, thread a string through the tube and ask two people to hold either end. Then ask an adult to blow up the balloon and release it. 


    How far will your rocket travel?


    Make a colourful collage.


    You will need – 



    Paper cards

    Tin foil





    Think about a happy place.


    What can you see, hear, smell and taste?


    How do you feel?


    Find an old box to play a ‘What’s in the Box?’ game. Adult to place a toy inside the box. 

    Can you rattle the box and guess what is hiding inside? 

    Try the game with different objects.


    Traffic light game.


    When the adult calls ‘green light’ you should move carefully around your living room.

    When the adult call ‘red light’ you should stop moving.


    Green light – go

    Amber light – get ready to go/ stop

    Red light – stop




    Jack Hartman Rhyming


    Play ‘Guess the Shape’ with an adult. Describe a shape, remembering to say how many sides and corners it has and to be specific, e.g. “It has 4 sides. It has 4 corners. It has 4 equal sides.” See who can guess the most shapes correctly.



    Can you find out about fruit or vegetables that are only grown in other countries?


    What facts can you find out?


    Listen to some music, can you clap along to the beat?


    Try making some different voice sounds for different emotions and feelings.


    ‘oh’ for surprised

    ‘mmm’ when eating something

    ‘ssh’ when being quiet


    Place some objects on a table or on the floor in front of you.


    Can you describe the objects?


    Use a balloon to play kick it up.

    How many times can you kick the balloon before it touches the floor?


    Ask a grown-up to write a secret sentence and cut it up into words. Adult to mix up the order of the words. See if you can read the words and put them into the correct order to make the sentence


    Write the numbers 1 to 10 on pieces of paper, adult to hide pieces of paper around the front room.


    Can you find all the numbers?


    Say the number on the paper as you find them.


    Draw a picture of some of the different foods that are grown on the farm in the UK


    Name a fruit and vegetable for every colour of the rainbow


    At the same time of every day, think of one thing to be thankful for.


    Give animals names that being with the same letter sound such as –


    Tommy Tiger,

    Charlie Chimp

    Leo Lion


    Make a bat out of some rolled up paper.

    Make a ball out of some screwed up paper.

    Adult to throw the ball. 

    Can you hit the paper with your bat?

    How far did your ball go?


    Spread out big pieces of paper with letters written on them on the floor. The adult can say a simple word and see if you can jump on and say the letters that make that word.


    Place your favourite toy on the floor.


    Can you find a toy that is taller?

    Can you find a toy that is smaller?

    Can you order the toys from smallest to biggest?


    Go outside when it is dark or look out the window and talk about what you can see. 

    Can you count the stars? Can you find the moon? Does the sky change from one night to the next?


    Draw or paint a picture of something you can see in your home.

    Weekly timetable for under 3’s (Big and Little Spiders)


    Can you copy an adult balancing on one leg, jumping up and down, reaching up high


    Fill two empty bottles with rice or pasta.


    Adult to shake one of the bottles behind their back.


    Can you guess what is in the bottle that is being shook?


    Turn a plastic bowl upside down or use a stool.

    Can you balance on the bowl/ stool?

    Can you jump down/ step down?

    Can you balance on one leg?


    Using a zip lock bag pour inside some shampoo. Seal the bag and using fingers make marks.

    If you do not have a zip lock  bag use a baking tray and place clingfilm over the top


    Collect some different-sized spoons. 


    How many different sizes have you found?


    Can you tell which is the biggest spoon and which is the smallest spoon.


    Sink or float.

    Collect a few toys and fill up a bucket with water. You can even do this during bath time. Drop the items into the water, one by one, to see which one sinks or floats.


    Paint a picture of an animal using your hands, fingers and feet.


    Freddie the frog game. Use a bowl of water, sing Freddie the frog went to jump on a log and……..splash, whilst throwing a ball into the bowl. To help support turn taking.




    Place some objects on a table or on the floor in front of you.


    Can you describe the objects?


    Adult can say some descriptive words which child can repeat.


    Adult to hold open an empty pillowcase.


    Can you aim and throw your ball into the pillowcase?


    Using a zip lock bag pour inside some flour. Seal the bag and using fingers make marks.


    If you do not have a zip lock  bag use a baking tray and place clingfilm over the top.


    Try using rice, shaving foam, toothpaste and conditioner.


    Get some plastic cups and rice or pasta.


    Can you fill the cup with more or less?


    Can you fill one cup so it is fill and keep the other cup empty?


    Rocket on a string – Make a simple cardboard tube rocket with a deflated balloon taped to it, thread a string through the tube and ask two people to hold either end. Then ask an adult to blow up the balloon and release it. 


    How far will your rocket travel?


    Make a colourful collage.


    You will need – 





    Tin foil





    Draw around the hands of all your family members.


    Can you find Mummy’s hand?

    Can you find Daddy’s hand?

    Can you find your hand?

    Can you find your brother/ sisters hand?


    Join the hands together.


    Gather a few items that have a different sensory feel, like soft, rough, sticky, or bumpy, in a bowl.


    Adult to say one of the textures and child is to find which object has that texture.




    Use a balloon to play kick it up.

    How many times can you kick the balloon before it touches the floor?



    Share the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’


    Arrange a collection of similar items, like wooden blocks, lego pieces, blocks, cars, and magnets.


    Can you sort your objects into different colours?


    Red, blue, green, yellow


    Go outside when it is dark or look out the window and talk about what you can see. 


    Can you find a star?

    Can you find the moon?


    Sit down on a towel or blanket, adult to gently pull child around the room. Pretend the blanket is a train or a boat and that you are stopping at different places, like the zoo, the shop, or a favourite restaurant.


    Draw around the feet of all your family members.


    Can you find Mummy’s feet?

    Can you find Daddy’s feet?

    Can you find your feet?

    Can you find your brother/ sisters feet?


    Find an old box to play a ‘What’s in the Box?’ game. Adult to place a toy inside the box. 

    Can you rattle the box and guess what is hiding inside? 


    Try the game with different objects.


    Play parachutes with a bed sheet.


    Place a ball on top of the bed sheet can you stop the ball from rolling off?




    Share the rhyme ‘Round and Round the Garden’


    Using chalk or string on the floor can you make a square, circle, triangle or rectangle.


    Walk along the string or chalk marking.


    Can you make a collection of shiny objects found around your home?


    Place the objects into a box


    Sellotape pieces of paper together, child to lay down on the paper and adult to draw around child’s body.


    If your child will not lay down draw around hands and feet instead.




    Freddie the frog game. Use a bowl of water, sing Freddie the frog went to jump on a log and……..splash, whilst throwing a ball into the bowl. To help support turn taking.


    Using a large box, on one side cut out two holes.

    Place an object in the box, child to place hands through the holes and try and guess what is in the box/


    Make a bat out of some rolled up paper.

    Make a ball out of some screwed up paper.


    Adult to throw the ball. 


    Can you hit the paper with your bat?


    How far did your ball go?


    Use your voice to create sound effects such as a ticking clock and a doorbell. 


    What other sounds can you hear around your home that you can copy?



    On a piece of paper adult to draw some shapes.

    Can you trace the shapes with your finger?


    Fruit tasting.


    Cut up a small variety of fruit.


    Closing your eyes can you guess which fruit you are eating?


    What does the fruit taste like?


    Make a cold cup of coffee and use this to paint a picture.


    Contact Info


    2 Roman Road
    LU3 2QT


    01582 574 390

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